First, something I would appreciate.....
If you like what you see, and want to support my travel and camera habit, you have a few options!
1)You can join my Patreon! Get phone wallpapers every month, physical prints every three months sent to you, and find out about sales online and in person before everyone else! A little as $2 a month. Everyone who is a Patreon starting this month through the rest of the year, gets my 2025 Calendar for free!
2)You can buy prints of my nature and animal pictures, over 300 options and growing all the time!
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Thank you for reading that, now the fun stuff!!
If a show promises a four on four steel cage match, it promises violence. That's what happened at Steel Cage Warfare from Timebomb Pro!
Singles Match
Jah C over Alvin Falcone
Singles Match
Tyler Colton over Matt Honey
Singles Match
Josh Price over Rudy Hell
Timebomb Pro Championship Match
Jordan retains over Heavy Metal Lore
Steel Cage Warfare - Four on Four cage match
Team Badger (Badger Briggs, Arik Cannon, Brandon Gore and Cho) over Blank Generation (Connor Hopkins, Rylie Jackson, Levy Cruise and Damon Spriggle)
Timebomb Pro has three events announced coming up!!
August 15th - Ox Cart Days in Crookston, MN (Free with fair admission)
August 23rd - Live at Jamestown, ND
September 13th - Drekkerfest in Fargo, ND
For more info check out their Facebook Page -